Our family has lived for several generations in Arcenant, a village which is traditionally known for the culture of small red fruit.
Initially Jean-Baptiste Joannet was a fruit producer in Arcenant, essentially cultivating raspberries, but also strawberries, cherries and black currants. He harvested his fruit and sold it to industry to make liqueur, jam, perfume and extracts …
In the 1970’s, however, he found it more and more difficult to sell his products due to fierce competition from the Eastern European countries whose products could be bought at lower prices.
Unfortunately in 1976 a drought destroyed a lot his fruit fields. Convinced of his fruit's superiority and excellent quality in front other growers, Jean-Baptiste did not want to stop production, so he decided to replant his fields. He wanted to market his fruit in a different way. There were several possibilities open to him, and after some attempts, his choice fell on the production of liquers and jam.
Driven by this courage and boldness, Jean-Baptiste became the first maker of these fruit products in the region. He was no longer now just a farmer but had also become a 'liquoriste' selling liqueurs made from his own fruit.
The company of Jean-Baptiste Joannet was founded in 1978, where today his liqueurs and jams are still crafted with the greatest care.
Jean-Baptiste’s daughter, Viviane, became the companies manager in 2001. Her daughter Eliseand representing the third generation of liquorist, has been continuing the activity since 2020.